Webster Technique and Pregnancy Chiropractic

Pictured here is the precise release of the round ligament during the webster technique for pregnancy.

Pictured here is the precise release of the round ligament during the webster technique for pregnancy.

The Webster Technique is a type of chiropractic adjustment used during pregnancy to support the optimal position of the baby in utero. The position of the baby in utero matters greatly. A baby in optimal fetal position is associated with greater ease during the birth process. However, the opposite is also true. A baby in a poor position (breech, transverse or posterior) is associated with longer births and greater rise ok intervention, injury and trauma.

The Webster Technique was developed by Dr Larry Webster DC to help correct the alignment of a pregnant woman’s sacrum and remove any interference in the nerve flow to her uterus. The technique is very gentle, precise and safely evaluates and corrects any imbalance in the sacral and pelvic region of a mom to be.

Although the Webster Technique is beneficial for all pregnant women, studies have shown it’s effectiveness for pregnancies in the breech, posterior or transverse position. Very often a baby in a less than optimal fetal position will naturally move into the optimal fetal position once the misalignment in the sacrum is corrected and the nerve flow to the area is fully restored through prenatal gentle adjustments. According to a study published in The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies in 2002, found the Webster Technique had an 82% success rate of supporting the correction of a breech baby position.

In addition to the ease of a smoother labor, optimal fetal position generally supports the overall wellbeing of both mother and baby. To learn more about how the Webster Technique may help support your pregnancy, please contact us to schedule your appointment.


Dr Sura, Jersey City Chiropractor, is passionate about helping children, women and families discover their natural ability to heal and be healthy. She is in private practice at NALU Chiropractic specializing in women’s health and wellbeing (fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood). Dr Sura offers the Webster Technique and loves to support the women in preparation for the birth of their baby and journey into motherhood. In addition, she loves helping support the growth and development of babies and kids through gentle pediatric care. For more info, contact us sura@naluchiro.com.