Women’s Health & Wellbeing
Chiropractic is an integral part of a well balanced and aligned life. A healthy nervous system is the foundation of life. At Nalu, we honor the innate ability of the body to heal, re-organize and thrive with gentle adjustments and greater alignment to your true source - your own internal Life power.
Discover Care
During Discover Care, the individual is in some type of pain and commonly experiencing symptoms.
Physical Pain - headaches, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, knee pain, jaw pain, low energy, decreased mobility
Emotional Pain - anxiety, depression, grief, resentment, loneliness, frustration
Mental Pain - uncertainty, lack of clarity, confusion, inability to make decisions, lack of focus
Spiritual Pain - unaware of purpose or inability to move forward in life
Common Experiences during Discover
Decreased and/or no symptoms
Greater Body Awareness
Less and/or no pain
Greater Mobility
Increased ease in the nervous system
Feeling more clear and connected in body, mind, heart and spirit
Increased breath and movement throughout the body
Increased awareness of moving towards something new
As the person begins to unwind stored tension patterns, discover care moves the person from wanting to get out pain to moving towards what brings them more freedom, joy and health.
Transform Care
Transform care is about supporting the person through making changes that are more in alignment with the person’s health and happiness. Change can be a wonderful time as well as a stressful time. During transform, care provides support to help the person move through the action stages of transformation.
Common Life Changes During Transform:
physical changes - greater health, strength, energy
new job, new purpose, going to school, graduating
new relationship, marriage, becoming a parent
taking your life to the next level
Common changes during transform:
Physical transformation - better posture, increased mobility, strength and immunity, more energy, weight loss/gain
Emotional transformation - peace, joy, happiness, empowerment
Mental transformation - clarity, creativity, focus, ease
Spiritual transformation - more freedom, greater alignment to who you truly are and your purpose
Awaken Care
Chiropractic during this Awaken Care helps support the individual’s wellbeing by helping them stay in alignment while reaching greater levels of peace, connection and joy.
Common Experience of Awaken Care
Alignment to body, mind, heart and spirit
Receiving and sharing your gifts