Fertility & Chiropractic Care


Chiropractic helps support fertility by helping the body heal:

1) Stress: Chiropractic addresses stress in nervous system that may be causing a person’s body to be in a state of fight, flight or freeze with an inability to relax. By helping the body harmonize the person is better able to adapt to stress and move into a state of ease and relaxation (activating the parasympathetic nervous system) and supporting fertility and pregnancy.

2) Brain and Body Communication: misalignments in the body can alter the function of nerves and their ability to communicate with organs and systems in the body clearly. Chiropractic addresses these disconnects (subluxations) through gentle adjustments that help nerves heal and function properly; supporting healthy communication with the reproductive system and the rest of the body.

3. Mind, Body & Spirit Connection: As the body heals and aligns naturally, a person may experience greater feelings of wholeness and positive emotions helping prepare the woman for fertility, pregnancy and motherhood.

Fertility Challenges

One in seven couples will experience fertility challenges and will require support to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. Here is a list of some of the conditions that may factor into fertility challenges:

  • Hormone Imbalances: low estrogen or progesterone, anovulatory cycles

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Mutliple Miscarriages

  • Low ovarian reserve or poor egg quality '

  • Uterine and Cervical Abnormalities

  • Low sperm count, motility, morphology or compromised transport

In addition, 33% of couples experiencing fertility challenges will receive an “unexplained” diagnosis. However even with these challenges, people can and do become pregnant. 84% of couples having regular sex will conceive within a year and give birth successfully.

Dr. Sura’s primary focus when working with couples with fertility challenges is to ensure proper nervous system function, body alignment and natural wellbeing. In addition to chiropractic care, Dr Sura incorporates Abdominal Therapy (uterus alignment and increase blood flow to the womb), herbs and steaming for healing and detoxing, castor oil packs and teaching clients to use the Fertility Awareness Method.

Case Studies: Supporting Chiropractic for Fertility


Many research studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of chiropractic for women who cannot get pregnant.  In one case study, three women with conception issues sought chiropractic care.  One woman had been trying for two years, one woman for 7 months, and another for 4 years with 2 failed in vitro attempts.  All women were found to have spinal misalignments upon examination.  After regular chiropractic care, all women were able to conceive naturally.  Another case study focused on two women with infertility issues that were contemplating artificial insemination.  Both women became pregnant after undergoing consistent chiropractic care.

Sources: Alcantara, J., Stern, G., Oman, R. “Female Infertility, Subluxation & Chiropractic Care.” Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, and Family Health, 2009 June; 1-10. https://getgreaterlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Female-Infertility-Subluxation-Chiropractic-Care.pdf.

Anderson-Peacock, E. “Reduction of Vertebral Subluxation Using Torque Release Technique with Changes in Fertility: Two Case Reports.” Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 2003 July; 1-6. https://getgreaterlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/JVSR-Infertility-Anderson-Peacock.pdf.

“Overview.” PubMed Health, 2015 March. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0076677/.



Schedule today:

Dr. Sura is certified in the webster technique by the ICPA for Prenatal Chiropractic Care.

Dr. Sura is certified in the webster technique by the ICPA for Prenatal Chiropractic Care.

To schedule your appointment to help support your fertility,

you may each us via email at sura@naluchiro.com or calling 646-535-0710.