Holistic Remedies for Morning Sickness during Pregnancy

Although there is no definitive answer as to why some women get nauseous during pregnancy, we do know that the body is intelligent and the feelings of feeling nauseous are part of the body’s self regulating mechanisms to the the hormonal and physical changes occurring in a woman’s body. I often encourage women experiencing these symptoms to use it as an opportunity to slow down more and pay more attention to your needs. In addition, here are some holistic, natural remedies that may help you…

1. Eat small amounts of food throughout the day.

This means a small portion of food everyone couple of hours. Consistent, light snacking will prevent blood sugar levels from plummeting (helping to prevent nausea). Try eating lightly when you feel nauseous and see if that helps alleviate symptoms.

2. Get more sleep and rest.

Having naps where possible, or going to bed early — ensuring that you get extra-sleep — can make the world of difference to how you feel.

3. Get adjusted by your chiropractor.

This enables your body to be as healthy as it can be during pregnancy. Adjustments allow your body’s nervous system i.e. your body’s computer to carefully balance your physical and hormonal needs at this crucial time.

4. Ginger

Try some fresh ginger tea – it’s a life-saver. Buy some ginger, cut a few slices, add hot water and a little honey.

5. Add more vitamin B6 in your diet.

Try increasing your vitamin B6 intake throughout your day. Vitamin B6 can be found in:

  • sweet potato

  • bananas

  • currants

  • dried apricots

  • prunes

  • sunflower seeds and walnuts

  • soya beans

  • chicken

  • turkey

  • wholegrains

  • brewer’s yeast

In both my personal and clinical experience I have found that nutritional guidance from a qualified holistic nutritionist or naturopath should play an integral role in pregnancy. Seeing these specialists, at least once early in your pregnancy (perferrably prior to conception), will help clarify if you have any nutritional deficiencies which may impact your capacity for optimal health during pre and post-birth.

7. Self-care: honor your needs.

Choosing to acknowledge and honor your physical needs during pregnancy is where the true fundamentals of self-care begin.  

If you would like to schedule a prenatal consultation, please call us 646-535-0710 or email sura@naluchiro.com.

Source: “Well Adjusted Babies” By Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani DC