Dr. Sura Corrigan

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Jersey City Family: What sugars are best for the family?

It is so obvious the effects of sugar with children. You can immediately see the difference in how they act once they have the sugar high and then ultimately the sugar crash. Eating artificial and refined sweeteners wrecks havoc on the body leading to candida overgrowth in the gut, weight gain, depression, sugar addiction, decreased immunity, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

So leads us to the big question: how do I sweeten treats for my family without the using artificial and processed sugars? Simple - using natural sweeteners that are easily for the body to use and can even contribute to the overall health of the body.

** Best sources of sweeteners for you and your family:

  1. coconut palm sugar

  2. date sugar

  3. dried fruit

  4. fruit - organic

  5. honey - raw (local is favored)

  6. monk fruit

Natural sweeteners are easier for your body to digest and provide nutrients, vitamins and/or minerals your body can use for good.

Artificial Sweeteners (artificial chemicals - not good for the body):

  • acesulfame potassium

  • asparatame

  • neotame

  • saccharin

  • sucralose

Processed Sweeteners:

  • barley malt

  • brown sugar

  • cane sugar

  • carob sugar

  • corn syrup

  • dextrose

  • erythritol

  • evaporated cane juice

  • fructose

  • glucose

  • high fructose corn syrup

  • juice concentrate

  • maititol

  • malt syrup

  • maltodextrin

  • refiner’s syrup

  • rice syrup

  • sorbitol

  • sorghum

  • sucrose

  • sugar

The general rule is best to avoid any processed sugar especially made from GMO, corn or cane. To learn more about how best to support the overall health and wellness for your family, email us sura@naluchiro.com to schedule a consultation today.


Dr Sura, Jersey City Chiropractor, is passionate about helping children, women and families discover their natural ability to heal and be healthy. She is in private practice at NALU Chiropractic specializing in women’s health and wellbeing (fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood). In addition, she loves helping support the growth and development of babies and kids through gentle pediatric care. For more info, visit us www.naluchiro.com.